Sunday, 16 June 2013

BBA Revolution winner bringing on the Nothern entertainment revolution.

Its a mind blower that amidst the struggles and challenges of life, there are people who still would hold their own and not stop at that but give you an opportunity to stand out and be outstanding with them.
Kevin Chung Pam, Big Brother Africa revolution's winner is set for another revolution.
 In this chat with us, he takes us through his journey to the entertainment revolution.

This couple is absolutely jostified. With glaring evidence of always gettin back to the roots. And if you think otherwise then bring it on...ahaaa Thats the next project they are getting on with. We caught up with Kevin Pam and there's much you need to read from him as he is one selfless person that always only thinks of how to fix it. See details of the event after the cut...

Childrens Day Our Way!

Our meeting on Saturday 25th of May 2019 hit so close to our favourite day of the year; Children's Day...Yaay!!!