Monday, 7 November 2016

My Story; Loosing 60kg Within Two Years

Slim with ease- SWE boasts of balance in food consumption and not being a diet, breaking the glass of the diet world. It is the second year anniversay  of SWE, which was borne out of an aha moment, and the CEO, Nina Ndubisi believes that is the first step to a succesful weight loss.

Nina In Cool FM Portharcourt

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Birthdays Are For Celebrations

Birthdays are for celebrations,
We have been witnesses of encomiums showered on the dead, where loved ones never got the opportunity to know, hear or even see an expression of love and feelings, so birthdays present that rare opportunity for this
Doubt this?

Birthdays are for celebrations.
Like it was on the day of birth, rejoicing, hope, faith, life, so should it be when ever the anniversary date comes. With the anticipation of more to come, we celebrate life, we appreciate the giver and the people that make life worth living
Not convinced?

Birthdays are for celebrations,
As it was in the day of Pharoh, during his birthday, when he got excited and promised whatever his daughter asked for, we understand better, that our attention and excitement goes to the almighty during our birthday anniversaries
Dig this?

Birthdays are for celebrations,
Recalling how far you have come and most especially, thanking your creator for counting you worthy of being alive. Many of your mates would have passed away, others yet looking up to you, and yet, another category looking down at you from their pedestal
Like this?

Birthdays are for celebrations
The wise book says Teach us to number our days,  so we can apply our hearts to wisdom. When  you number your days, you take inventory of how far you have come, for many, borrow a new leaf, others, you improve on your steps already taken and still, there are many who write a new chapter,
Love this?

Birthdays are for celebrations,
They are days that come once a year, rare, so rare so you look forward to them, They are days that you hear the most endearing words, some true, others truer and yet, others, for the heck of celebration
Think so?

Birthdays like are for celebrations,
Preparations. gatherings, smiles, joy all signifying hope, faith, love, symbolising many good things,
People, gifts, kind words, memories, delight, great pleasure, jubilation, triumph, exultation, glee, exhilaration, ebullience, bliss, ecstacy
I believe so

Childrens Day Our Way!

Our meeting on Saturday 25th of May 2019 hit so close to our favourite day of the year; Children's Day...Yaay!!!